
Archived Photos
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December 9, 2005
From the northbound side of Route 18, the view is of Route 18 south near Gibbons Circle. Crews are working to relocate the George Street ramp which will provide the needed space to widen Route 18 and provide express lanes from just south of Route 27. A new privacy wall will also be erected between the on-ramp and Gibbons Circle which sits above the ramp where Rutgers University runs a school for the developmentally disabled. |
Work crews lay conduit for power lines, fiber optic cables and phone lines along Route 18 southbound. Looking north, the George Street bridge slated for replacement can be seen. In the background the widening for the lane expansion near the Rutgers campus can be seen. |
Looking south along Route 18, crews smooth out the area where new piping, conduits and sewer lines have recently been placed. The expanded roadway will run directly over this area which is just north of Paulus Boulevard. |
A view of the north from just above Paulus Boulevard reveals the number of men and machines utilized in a small area to provide the necessary teamwork to get the job done. Crews have completed installatAugust 23, 2006e the machines used to drive piles to support a new privacy wall for the Gibbons Court section of the Rugers campus can be seen. |