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Division of Purchase and Property

Special Notice of behalf of the New Jersey Department of Treasury, Division of Purchase and Property

Attention: All Proposed Awardees for T0106 (Bid Solicitation # 17DPP00046) – Law Enforcement Firearms, Equipment and Supplies

Re: Effective Date of New Blanket P.O.s

Please be advised that the Division of Purchase and Property expects that new Blanket P.O. awards for the subject procurement will be made shortly.

Please note that the effective date of the new Blanket P.O.s will start once the new Blanket P.O. awards are made and shall be for a period of four (4) years, with up to three (3), one (1) year extensions. 

Vendors {Bidders} are reminded that Bid Solicitation Section 5.2 (Blanket P.O. {Contract} Term and Extension Option) states, in part: “If delays in the procurement process result in a change to the anticipated Blanket P.O. Effective Date, the Vendor {Bidder} agrees to accept a Blanket P.O. for the full term of this Blanket P.O.”

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Last Updated: Thursday, 09/05/19