1. If you are an insurance company inquiring as to whether the State of New Jersey will be presenting a claim for damages caused by your insured, please follow the steps below:
A. For roadway damage: Please check Box #99 at the top left hand corner of the police report for guidance(Box 4 in old version of Report). Codes 1-4 in boxes #4 and #99 would indicate State jurisdiction.
B. Accidents on the Garden State Parkway, New Jersey Turnpike or the Atlantic City Expressway are not handled by this office:
C. After determining whether the State is involved, please fax or mail the police report, along with a letter with all of your contact information (name of your insured/driver, claim number, fax, email, etc.,) to the address below.
2. If you are an insurance company looking to file a claim against the State of New Jersey based on your belief that a State employee, agency or department caused property damage or bodily injury to your insured, be advised as follows: