How to certify for benefits online

Your claim is dated the Sunday of the week in which you filed your initial claim. The first time you claim benefits will be on a Wednesday, 17 days after your date of claim. To receive your unemployment insurance benefits, you must certify for benefits each week which you wish to receive benefits. You can only certify for benefits after the week has passed. Unemployment Insurance weeks begin on a Sunday and end at midnight on Saturday.
If there is a problem with your claim that must be resolved before benefits can be paid, or if you have been denied benefits and are appealing the determination, you must still certify for and claim your benefits. You will receive "credit" for the weeks which you have claimed. If it is determined that you are eligible or if you win your appeal, you will be paid these benefits at a later date. If you have not claimed benefits and you win your appeal, you will not be paid for these weeks.
Read our steps for certifying online, and guidelines for certification questions below.
Click here to access our online benefits certification system.
Read the information, then click the "Continue" button at the bottom of the page. On the next page, after reading the disclaimer, click the button underneath "To Claim Weekly Unemployment Benefits" at the bottom of the page.
The first time you certify for benefits online, you'll need to create a 4-digit personal identification number (PIN) after entering your Social Security number.
Be sure to create a PIN you will remember since you will need it to claim your benefits each week. You will then be prompted to re-enter the PIN.
After you enter your PIN, you'll be taken to a page of certification questions to confirm your continued eligibility for benefits.
Answer the certifications questions and click “Submit.”
After the confirmation page is displayed, the system will send an automatic confirmation notice to the email address associated with your account.
The answer to this question should be YES if you are physically able to work and you are available to report to work, and you would accept it.
Being available for work means that you must be ready to start work immediately. You must have access to transportation (car, bus, train, etc.) which would allow you to begin a job right away. Also, you must have no personal reasons preventing you from working. You will not receive benefits during any week in which you are unavailable for work. For instance, if you are on vacation or traveling for a week or more, you won't be able to receive Unemployment Insurance benefits during that time.
If you are not physically able to work your answer should be NO.
If you actively searched for work, you should answer YES. Telephone, internet and in-person contacts, as well as sending resumes, are all acceptable work search activities.
Otherwise, your answer should be NO.
Learn more about actively seeking work here.
If you did not refuse an offer of suitable work, you should answer NO. If you did refuse an offer of work, you should answer YES.
Because each person is not the same and has different circumstances, the definition of a "Suitable Job" is fitted to each person, depending on where he or she lives, his or her skills, experience and past salary. While you are unemployed, you will look for a job similar to your last job (distance traveled, job duties and salary). As you remain unemployed, you will be expected to revise your minimum job requirements. For example, you may have to travel a greater distance, accept a different type of job or accept a lower starting salary.
If you are attending school or training, answer YES. Otherwise, your answer should be NO.
If you receive any type of wage while you are not working, answer YES. We will send an e-Adjudication link to determine if it should be reported as earnings. If not, your answer should be NO.
You should answer “YES” if you are currently receiving pension or other retirement benefit payments from one of the employers listed.
If you are not receiving pension payments or are receiving pension from an employer who is not listed, you should answer “NO.”
If you did any work (or received any payment for work previously completed) between the designated dates, answer YES and report what you earned. Report wages from an employer the week they were earned; report self-employment income the week it was received.
If you had work during the week for which you are claiming benefits, and you know you will not have work the following week, immediately follow steps to REOPEN/REASSERT THE CLAIM (no later than the Saturday of the current week you worked).
La respuesta a esta pregunta debería ser SÍ/YES si está físicamente capaz de trabajar y está disponible para presentarse a trabajar, y aceptaría el trabajo.
Estar disponible para trabajar significa que debe estar listo para comenzar a trabajar de inmediato. Debe tener acceso a transporte (automóvil, autobús, tren, etc.) que le permita comenzar un trabajo de inmediato. Además, no tiene razones personales que le impidan trabajar. No recibirá beneficios de desempleo durante ninguna semana en la que no esté disponible para trabajar. Por ejemplo, si está de vacaciones o viaja durante una semana o más, no podrá recibir los beneficios del seguro de desempleo durante ese tiempo.
Si buscó trabajo activamente, debe responder SÍ. Los contactos por teléfono, Internet y en persona, así como el envío de currículums, son todas actividades aceptables de búsqueda de trabajo.
De lo contrario, su respuesta debería ser NO.
Obtenga más información sobre cómo buscar trabajo activamente aquí.
Si Ud. no rechazó una oferta de trabajo apropriado, debe responder NO. Si rechazó una oferta de trabajo, debe responder SÍ.
Debido a que cada persona no es igual y tiene diferentes circunstancias, la definición de "Trabajo Apropriado" se ajusta a cada persona, dependiendo de dónde viva, sus habilidades, experiencia y salario anterior. Mientras esté desempleado, buscará un trabajo similar a su último trabajo (distancia recorrida, deberes laborales y salario). Mientras permanezca desempleado, se esperará que revise sus requisitos mínimos de trabajo. Por ejemplo, es posible que deba viajar una distancia mayor, aceptar un tipo de trabajo diferente o aceptar un salario inicial más bajo.
Si asiste a la escuela o recibe capacitación laboral, responda SÍ. De lo contrario, su respuesta debería ser NO.
Si recibe algún tipo de pago mientras no está trabajando, responda SÍ. Enviaremos un enlace de adjudicación electrónica por email para determinar si debe declararse como ganancias. Si no es así, su respuesta debería ser NO.
Debe responder "SÍ / YES" solo si actualmente está recibiendo pensión u otros pagos de beneficios de jubilación de uno de los empleadores enumerados abajo en esta página. Si actualmente está pagando hacia una pensión u otro plan de jubilación, pero no recibe pagos, debe responder "NO". Si recibe pagos de pensión de un empleador que no aparece en la lista abajo, también debe responder "NO".
Si hizo algún trabajo (o recibió algún pago por el trabajo completado anteriormente) entre las fechas designadas, responda SÍ e informenos lo que ganó. Declara los salarios de un empleador la semana en que los ganó; declara los ingresos del trabajo por cuenta propia (self-employment) la semana en que se recibieron.
Si tuvo trabajo durante la semana por la cual está reclamando beneficios y sabe que Ud. no tendrá trabajo la semana siguiente, siga inmediatamente los pasos para REABRIR / REAJUSTAR EL RECLAMO (REOPEN / REASSERT THE CLAIM) (el sábado de la semana actual en la que trabajó es lo más tarde que lo debe reabrir).