A new fender system is being constructed and will allow for the navigation channel to be widened from 50 feet to 75 feet. |
This is the public fishing pier which is located at the northwest corner of the bridge. It is designed to provide handicap access. |
Looking east from the bridge, this is the Brielle approach to the bridge. |
This view is of the Route 70 eastbound approach to the bridge. The existing eastbound structure, which is currently carrying all Route 70 traffic, is on the right. The westbound structure on the left is still under construction.
One of the four monuments located at the corners of the bridge; it will extend 16 feet above the adjacent sidewalk. Also in view is the ongoing parapet construction at the northeast corner of the bridge. |
The "Let Freedom Ring" quote is inset in the inside face of the bridge parapet. It is repeated down the length of the bridge on both sides. |