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Great Seal of the State of New Jersey
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Great Seal of the State of New Jersey

 route 70 bridge over manasquan river - september 11 memorial bridge

Archived Photos
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April 17, 2008

Vertical clearance gauges are located at the northwest and southeast corners of the fender system. The bridge will provide minimum vertical underclearance of 25 feet beneath the bridge at high tide.
This view is looking east down the centerline of the bridge. The inclined outer columns and symmetry of the bridge provide an interesting view from the west abutment.
This view is of the north face of the bridge looking west from the northeast corner of the bridge. All of the precast architectural piers have been completed.

This view is of the Brick approach to the bridge looking west from the bridge.

This view is of the east approach to the bridge in Brielle. Curbs and sidewalks have been reconstructed and the paving base course has been placed.
This noise wall was constructed along Route 70 eastbound.
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  Last Updated:  September 26, 2008