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Division of Taxation

NJ Tax Relief for Hurricane Ida Victims

Hurricane Ida tax relief extended to February 15 for part or all of six qualifying states (12/28/2021)

The New Jersey Division of Taxation is following the federal guidelines for tax relief as recently provided in the Internal Revenue Service announcement IR-2021-179, issued September 8, 2021, for victims of Hurricane Ida. Affected taxpayers include businesses and individuals located in the disaster areas and those whose tax records are in the disaster areas, and relief workers.

The IRS has extended deadlines for certain taxpayers affected by Hurricane Ida that have a responsibility to:

  • File returns (except information only returns);
  • Pay taxes; or
  • Perform certain other time-sensitive acts.

In addition to the income tax relief, the Division’s tax relief extends to all State tax filing and payment deadlines that occurred starting on August 26, 2021. As a result, affected individuals and businesses will have until January 3, 2022, to file returns and pay any taxes that were originally due during this period. Any payments that were due prior to August 26, 2021 and related to a return under extension are not eligible for this relief.

If you or your business were affected by Ida, and you receive a late filing or late payment penalty notice from New Jersey for a return, payment, or deposit with an original or extended due date falling within the postponement period, August 26, 2021 through January 3, 2022, you should respond to that notice by requesting tax relief and indicating that you are in a “Presidential Disaster Relief Area, Hurricane Ida.”

If you file a paper return or mail a payment, you must write in black ink “Presidential Disaster Relief Area, Hurricane Ida."

If you have additional questions about New Jersey tax relief for those affected by Hurricane Ida, you may contact us via e-mail with your question.

Treasury Announces NJ Division of Taxation Extends Filing & Payment Deadlines for Tropical Storm Ida Victims.

Last Updated: Tuesday, 12/05/23