Economic Indicators
Each year, the Economic Indicators data series are revised using new benchmark and seasonal adjustment factors. For this reason, providing historic time series for Economic Indicators would be inappropriate and are therefore not available.
Indicator Series |
Data |
Graph |
Civilian Labor Force |
Resident Employment |
Unemployment |
Labor Force Participation Rate (%) |
Employment/Population Ratio (%) |
Unemployment Rate (%) |
Nonfarm Payroll Employment |
Private Sector Nonfarm Payroll Employment |
Construction Payroll Employment (1990 - Present) |
Manufacturing Payroll Employment (1990 - Present) |
Trade, Transportation and Utilities Payroll Employment (1990 - Present) |
Information Payroll Employment (1990 - Present) |
Financial Activities Payroll Employment (1990 - Present) |
Professional and Business Services Payroll Employment (1990 - Present) |
Education and Health Services Payroll Employment (1990 - Present) |
Leisure and Hospitality Payroll Employment (1990 - Present) |
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers |
Consumer Confidence Index, United States (1987- Present) |
Total Private Dwelling Units Authorized by Building Permits (1977 - Present) |
Private Single-Family Dwelling Units Auth. by Bldg. Permits (1977 - Present) |
Private Multi-Family Dwelling Units Auth. by Bldg. Permits (1977 - Present) |
Weeks Claimed and Insured Unemployment Rate |
Initial Claims - Weekly Average |
Unemployment Insurance Exhaustions |
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Economic Indicators Historical Series Notes