Publications and Reports

Browse publications and reports regarding New Jersey specific labor market information below.
Labor Market Spotlight - Young Adult Workforce
Labor Market Spotlight - Celebrating New Jersey's Veterans
Program Year 2021 Annual Report: Workforce Information Core Products and Services Grant: between July 2021 and June 2022, the Department’s Office of Research and Information (ORI) continued to work with other New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJDOL) program areas to deliver the core products and services articulated in New Jersey’s Combined State Plan for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
Occupational Employment and Wages, 2022: A Detailed Analysis of New Jersey's Occupational Landscape: this report utilizes New Jersey Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OEWS) data to provide a general overview of the New Jersey labor market and breaks down employment in New Jersey’s key industry sectors.
New Jersey Women in the Workforce: More Educated Despite Earnings Gap: data in this report is from the US Census Bureau American Community Survey 2020 5-year estimates and represents information for people who live in New Jersey.
Labor Market Information Update: the latest information available on New Jersey's labor market.
Labor Market Spotlight - Young Adult Workforce (Issue No. 24, Volume 3: January 2025)
Labor Market Spotlight - Celebrating New Jersey's Veterans (Issue No. 23, Volume 2: November 2024)
Labor Market Spotlight – The Blueprint of Innovation: Key Insights for New Jersey’s Manufacturing Sector (Issue No. 22, Volume 2: October 2024)
Private Early Care and Education Centers: Industry and Workforce Highlights (Issue No. 21, Volume 2: September 2024)
A Profile of New Jersey’s Hispanic Residents (Issue No. 20, Volume 2: September 2024)
Logistics Hub: New Jersey’s Leading Role in Warehousing (Issue No. 19, Volume 2: September 2024)
Apprenticeships: First Step on a Career Path (Issue No. 18, Volume 2: June 2024)
Celebrating New Jersey’s Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Residents (Issue No. 17, Volume 2: May 2024)
Summer Spotlight on the Jersey Shore (Issue 16, Volume 2: May 2024)
Celebrating the Garden State’s Green Economy (Issue No. 15, Volume 2: April 2024)
Celebrating the Accomplishments of Women (Issue No. 14, Volume 2: March 2024)
Celebrating Black History Month: A Profile of New Jersey’s Black and African American Residents (Issue No. 13, Volume 2: February 2024)
Valentine’s Day Edition: Fall in Love with New Jersey Businesses (Issue No. 12, Volume 2: February 2024)
Retail Industry (Issue No. 11, Volume 2: January 2024)
Foreign-born Population (Issue No. 10, Volume 1: December 2023)
A Salute to New Jersey’s Veterans (Issue No. 9, Volume 1: November 2023)
Halloween Edition (Issue No. 8, Volume 1: October 2023)
A Profile of New Jersey’s Hispanic Residents (Issue No. 7, Volume 1: September 2023)
Honoring Nurses in New Jersey (Issue No. 6, Volume 1: May 2023)
A profile of New Jersey’s Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Residents (Issue No. 5, Volume 1: May 2023)
Unemployment Insurance Summary 2022 (Issue No. 4, Volume 1: April 2023)
Celebrating Black History Month: A Profile of New Jersey’s Black or African American Residents (Issue No. 3, Volume 1: February 2023)
New Jersey Veterans: By the Numbers (Issue No. 2, Volume 1: November 2022)
New Jersey Women in the Workforce: More Educated Despite Earnings Gap (Issue No. 1, Volume 1: October 2022)
Economic Brief: Measuring the Impacts of COVID-19 on the New Jersey Economy: view the latest NJ Economic Report.
New Jersey's Changing Economy and the Recent Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic: this report, prepared by the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Economic and Demographic Research, highlights the economic changes in the state over the past three decades, how the industry mix had changed during that time, and the more recent effects on the workforce as a result of measures taken during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Regional Focus: offers insights and analyses on the changing employment situation in New Jersey's regional labor areas, its industries, and comparisons with statewide data. The articles, tables, and charts illustrating employment by industry, unemployment rates, characteristics of the unemployed, and highlights of economic activity provide a picture of New Jersey labor areas and insight into changes within them.
County Brief – Labor Market Facts: provides a snapshot of relevant labor market facts by county
Economic Indicators Data Series: offers our most comprehensive and up-to-date picture of New Jersey's economy with current and historical data.
Labor Market Views: offers valuable economic intelligence on New Jersey's labor market situation.
Current Employment Press Release: offers the latest monthly estimates of New Jersey's employment and unemployment situation.
Industry Sector Focus: provides analysis of New Jersey's key industry sectors.
This report highlights New Jersey’s agriculture industry and includes key information about the top types of farming in the Garden State, a profile of the agriculture workforce, and facts about our farmland.
The following are New Jersey State Data Center publication listings:
Click here to browse Hurricane Sandy Joint Economic publications.