Employer resources: job postings, incentive programs, and more
Post jobs for free
Use our National Labor Exchange (NLx) portal to post jobs easily, quickly, and at no cost.
Industry Partnerships
This new program connects leaders from similar sectors to discuss workforce needs and resolve operational concerns.
Apprenticeship programs
Apprenticeships help employers develop a future workforce that is nimble, educated, and trained.
Business Services represenatives
Reach out for help with growing your business, hiring, recruitment, hiring incentives, and funding assistance for employee training.
This program provides outreach and training services in the construction trades industry for women and minorities.
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
Businesses can save up to $4,800 the first year when they hire workers who traditionally face significant barriers to employment.
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
This federal entitlement program assists US workers who have lost, or may lose, their jobs as a result of foreign trade.
NJ New Hire Directory
New Jersey employers must report newly hired and re-hired employees to the New Jersey New Hire Reporting Center.
Grant opportunities
Find out if your business is eligible for state-funded training grants or other opportunities.
Federal Bonding Program
The Federal Bonding Program provides employers with an incentive to hire job applicants that are viewed as high risk (for example, ex-offenders, or those with poor credit, poor military records, or a lack of work history).