Forms and Publications

The following materials are published by the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Wage and Hour Compliance. If you have any questions about the materials, please contact us.
Workers’ Rights
Wage Complaints
How to File a Wage Complaint (MW-394)
Child Labor
- NJ Working Papers Process (05/23) (MW-575)
- Employer Guide: About Working Papers (03/18) (MW-36)
- Reference Guide - Labor Laws for Young Workers (03/18) (MW-165)
- Restaurant Work for Minors (English/Spanish) (01/15) (MW-386)
- Teachers & School Staff: Protect Your Students (MW-576)(8/23)
Farm Labor
- What farm workers, crew leaders & farmers need to know about New Jersey's labor laws (01/24) (MW-402)
- Minimum Rates for Farm Workers (English/Spanish) (01/23) (MW-117)
Minimum Wage
- New Jersey's Minimum Wage Rates (12/23) (MW-570)
Earned Sick Leave
General information (06/21) (MW-569)
- English
- Español
- عربى (Arabic)
- 简体中文 (Chinese, simplified)
- 中國傳統的 (Chinese, traditional)
- ગુજરાતી (Gujarati)
- Kreyòl Ayisyen (Haitian Creole)
- हिन्दी (Hindi)
- Italiano (Italian)
- 한국어 (Korean)
- Polskie (Polish)
- Português (Portuguese)
Detailed information
Information for employers
- Information for Employers
- Earned Sick Leave Compliance Checklist
- New Jersey Employers Guide to Wage and Hour Laws (MW-91) (11/23)
Handouts for parents
- Printable handouts for working parents/guardians (English) (MW-579)
- Folleto para padres y guardianes trabajandos (Spanish/español) (MW-579S)
COVID-19 resources
- Vaccine memo for employers (08/21) (PR-152)
- Vaccine, Covid-19 & Job Worries?/ ¿Vacunas, Covid-19 Y Preocupaciones De Trabajo? (08/21) (WD-210/210S)
- Wage Complaint (06/24) (MW-31A)
- Formulario de Reclamo de Salario (06/21) (MW-31S)
- Wage Complaint for Non-Payment of Prevailing Wage Rate (02/13) (MW-31B)
- Selected Labor Laws - Complaint Form (05/20) (MW-31C)
- Mandatory Overtime in a Health Care Facility - Complaint Form (09/19) (MW-31OT)
- Application for Public Works Contractor Registration (01/22) (LSSE-2)
- Request for Permission to Maintain Payroll Records Outside of New Jersey (06/13) (MW-42)
- Application for Apparel Industry Certificate of Registration (10/15) (MW-56)
- Application for Agricultural Crew Leader Registration (02/22) (MW-369)
- Application for Industrial Homeworker’s Certificate (09/02) (MW-181)
- Application for Industrial Homework Employer’s Permit (11/04) (MW-184)
- Application for Homework License (09/02) (MW-356)
- Application to Pay Less than Minimum Wage to a Disabled Person (09/02) (MW-151)
- Application for a Sheltered Workshop Certificate (MW-244)
- Payroll Certification for Public Works Projects (for Contractors and Subcontractors' Use for Weekly and Final Certification)
Effective February 1, 2025, a contractor or subcontractor that is working on a “public work” project is required to hold a “mandatory orientation meeting” for each of its employees who will be performing work on that project. This form must be completed.
- Working Papers Are Now Online (as of June 1, 2023)
- Reasons for Denial of Certificate or Permit 08/04 (MW-128)
- Theatrical Production Application (for any individual or organization engaging minors in a theatrical performance in New Jersey) (06/18)
The Temporary Help Service Firm must complete the following form and give a copy to each Temporary Laborer upon assignment to a temporary position:
- Temporary Laborer Assignment Form (MW-23):
The third-party client must provide the following form to each Temporary Laborer who is contracted to work a single day, at the end of the work day.
Temporary Laborer Single-Day Work Verification Form (MW-51):
- English/Spanish
- English/Simplified Chinese
- English/Polish
- English/Russian
- English/Arabic
- English/Gujarati
- English/Korean
- English/Urdu
- English/Vietnamese
- English/Italian
- English/Haitian Creole
The Temporary Help Service Firm must provide the information contained in this form to each Temporary Laborer with each wage payment. The information may be provided either on the Temporary Laborer’s paycheck stub or by using this form.
Temporary Laborer Itemized Statement of Earnings, Hours & Deductions Form (MW-24):
Under the Service Employee Retention Law, P.L. 2023, c. 128, subject to certain limited exceptions, when an employer becomes the successor to a service contract at a covered location, the successor employer must give each service employee who was performing work for the predecessor employer at the covered location a written offer of employment and, if that offer is accepted, must retain the service employee at the covered location for 60 days or until the successor employer’s service contract is terminated, whichever is earlier.
Following is a link to the form that the successor employer must use to offer employment to affected service employees.
The New Jersey Service Employee Retention Law is viewable pending publication here. The law contains definitions for the terms "employer," "service employee," "service contract," and "covered location."
The Service Employee Retention Law is not enforced by the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJDOL). If you believe that you have been fired or laid off in violation of the Service Employee Retention Law, you have the right to file a private lawsuit in court, and, if successful, the court may order your reinstatement, and may award you back pay, liquidated damages, court costs and attorney’s fees. Information about how to file a private lawsuit can be found here.
- Abstract Relating to Payment of Wages (4/22) (MW-17 & MW-17S)
- NJ State Wage and Hour Law Abstract (01/24) (MW-220)
- Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements Under State Wage, Benefit and Tax Laws (3/18) (MW-400)
- 5x11" notice (PDF)
- 11x17" poster (PDF)
- NJ Earned Sick Leave – Notice of Employee Rights (12/21) (MW-565)
- NJ Earned Sick Leave – Notice of Employee Rights – Spanish (12/21) (MW-565.11)
- NJ Mandatory Overtime Restrictions for Health Care Facilities (required if you are a licensed health care facility or registered health care service firm) (04/22) (MW-377)
- NJ Child Labor Law Abstract (02/23) (MW-129)
- Schedule of Hours of Minors Under 18 Years of Age (required if you employ workers under 18 years of age) (4/22) (MW-191)
- Gender Equity Notice - English (01/14) (AD-290)
- Gender Equity Notice - Spanish (01/14) (AD-290S)
- Food Service Occupations Regulations (01/24) (MW-278)
- Wage Order No. 1 - Employment in the First Processing of Farm Product Occupations (01/24) (MW-104)
- Wage Order No. 2 - Governing Employment in Seasonal Amusement Occupations (English/Spanish) (01/24) (MW-72 and MW-72S)
- Wage Order No. 3 - Governing Employment in Hotel and Motel Occupations (01/24) (MW-54)
- Supplement for Food Service and Hotel and Motel Occupations Regulations (01/24) (MW-13)
- Wage Order No. 11 - Mercantile Occupations (04/22) (MW-83)
- Wage Order No. 12 - Beauty Culture Occupations (04/22) (MW-238)
- Wage Order No. 13 - Laundry, Cleaning & Dyeing Occupations (01/21) (MW-121)
- Law Abstract for the Apparel Registration Act (04/22) (MW-59)
- La Ley Sobre el Registro de Fabricantes y Contratistas de Ropa (08/04) (MW-59S)
- NJ Child Labor Law Permits Farmers to Employ Children (04/22) (MW-63)
- NJ State Wage and Hour Law - Minimum Rates for Farm Workers (English/Spanish) (01/24) (MW-138)