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Division of Taxation

Frequently Asked Questions

Eligibility requirements, including income limits, and benefits available for all property tax relief programs are subject to change by the State Budget.

  • Who is eligible for these programs?
    • Property Tax Reimbursement (Senior Freeze): Homeowners, born in 1958 or earlier, or who actually receive Social Security disability benefits, and meet the eligibility requirements for two consecutive years.
    • ANCHOR:
      • Homeowners: New Jersey residents who own and occupy a home as of October 1, 2024, and have a gross income up to $250,000.
      • Renters: New Jersey residents who rent their principal residence and have a gross income up to $150,000.
    • Stay NJ: Homeowners aged 65 or older, who own and occupy their home (for the entire year) as their principal residence, and have an annual income under $500,000.
  • How do you file an application?

    Applicants 65 or older, or those receiving Social Security Disability, file a combined property tax relief application (Form PAS-1) either by paper or online for all three programs: ANCHOR, Senior Freeze, and Stay NJ Property Tax Benefit. There will be no auto-file option for these applicants.

    Applicants under 65 or not receiving Social Security Disability, who previously received an ANCHOR benefit, may be eligible for our auto-file program and receive their benefit automatically. We will notify recipients late summer 2025. Those who do not receive an auto-file letter will still have the opportunity to file online or by paper at that time.

    The online application is the same for all applicants.

  • When is the filing deadline?

    The deadline for submitting an application for property tax relief is October 31, 2025.

  • Will property tax relief applications be mailed to eligible taxpayers?

    Yes. Homeowners or mobile homeowners 65 and older, or recipients of Social Security Disability, may receive the combined PAS-1 application by mail. Those who are eligible, but do not receive a packet may still apply online or by downloading and mailing a paper application.

  • Can renters qualify for Senior Freeze or Stay NJ?

    No. Senior Freeze and Stay NJ are only for homeowners (mobile homeowners included for Senior Freeze).

    Renters may qualify for ANCHOR if they meet specific criteria, such as living in a rental unit subject to property taxes (mobile homeowners are considered renters for the ANCHOR program).

  • Can I qualify for all three programs?

    Yes. You file one combined application for the Senior Freeze, ANCHOR, and Stay NJ programs and we will determine which benefits you qualify for.

  • Can I apply on behalf of a deceased relative?

    Yes. If the deceased relative occupied the property and met all other program requirements for the application year, an application may be filed on their behalf.

  • How do I check the status of my application?

    Check the status of your application on this page.

  • How do I apply for these programs?

    File the combined Property Tax Relief application online or submit Form PAS-1 through the mail.

    The application deadline is October 31, 2025.

  • How do I determine my income for these programs?

    See the application instructions for specific calculations.

  • Why do I have to verify my identity?

    The New Jersey Division of Taxation has partnered with to verify the identity of taxpayers applying for Property Tax Relief. This step helps safeguard your identity and benefit from potential fraud. While not all taxpayers will need to use, those who do must complete this verification before applying.

    If you suspect your identity has been compromised and need to report potential fraud, please let us know by reporting it.

  • How long does the identity verification process take?

    The process can be completed in a few minutes using your computer or mobile phone. A copy of your Social Security number and common identity verification documents are needed to process your identity verification.

  • How do I get started?

    We offer three options for you to verify your identity. Choose the method that's convenient for you:

    • Self Service: This is the fastest way to complete your identity verification. You will be guided through an online process. You can use your own mobile phone or computer that has a camera.
    • Video Chat: Meet online with an employee to walk you through the process. You can use your own mobile phone or computer that has a camera.
    • In-Person Support: Select the In-Person Verification method, where you will be prompted to enter your zip code and city name to locate the most convenient location for your appointment. There are 29 UPS locations around the state that partner with to offer in-person support. We recommend making an appointment, but you can choose to walk in any time during regular business hours. If you schedule an appointment, you will receive a confirmation email from with a QR code that you will show when you come in and a list of documents you will need to bring to your appointment in order to complete your application.

    If you have questions about this required identity verification, visit

    Important things to remember:

    • Sign up for through our Property Tax Relief application.
    • To verify your identity, you'll need your Social Security number and one or more identity verification documents, depending on which method of verification you choose. Make sure you have this ready when you begin the process. The process is not complete until you see a message saying you were successfully verified and granted access.

      The Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) code confirms your identity when logging into You will need to verify your identity through and use the MFA code.

      Step-by-Step Guide to set up your Account

      You must show one of the documents listed below for your verification method in order to successfully complete identity verification:

      • Driver's license;
      • State ID;
      • Passport card;
      • Passport.

      In some cases, you will be asked for further documentation. If this is the case, you will need either two primary documents or one primary and two secondary documents from this list. We recommend that you prepare those documents just in case you may need them.

      If you verify your identity at a UPS location, you will need:

      • One identification document from the "Primary Documents" list. Make sure you bring this with you.
      • One identification document with your current valid U.S. address. Make sure you bring this with you.
      • In some cases, you may be asked to show a document with your full Social Security number. If you have a document with your Social Security number on hand, we recommend bringing it along.
    • Can I select a language other than English to complete the verification process?

      Yes. After clicking the link to verify your identity, select the language you prefer to complete the verification process.

      You also have the option of completing the process via a live video conference session in the language of your choice.

    • I'm having issues creating an account. Who can help me?

      Submit a request for help to support. New Jersey Division of Taxation staff are unable to access your account or assist with the process.

    • I already verified my identity for the IRS. Do I have to do it again for New Jersey Division of Taxation?

      If you have already completed verification for another agency (such as the IRS or the New Jersey Department of Labor), please log in to your account. You will be instructed on how to share that proof of verification with New Jersey Taxation and if there is anything additional you may be required to do.

    • I completed the identity verification process through What happens now?

      When you successfully complete the verification process, you will be advanced to the next step of the online application process.
      Note: Even if you successfully verify your identity, your benefit(s) may be denied for other eligibility reasons.

    • What if I did not receive a confirmation that I verified my identity successfully?

      If you have not received the confirmation email, you likely did not complete the process. Try verifying your identity again. Please reach out to support if you believe you completed your verification and need support.

    • Will I ever need to repeat the identity verification process?

      When filing a new application each year, you will be asked to sign in to your existing account to link your existing verification to the new application, but will not have to repeat the verification steps.

    • I do not want to share my biometrics data. How else can I verify my identity?

      You can use the video chat option to verify your identity if you do not want to share biometric data.

      Select the In-Person Verification method, where you will be prompted to enter your zip code and city name to locate the most convenient location for your appointment. There are 29 UPS locations around the state that partner with to offer in person support. We recommend making an appointment, but you can choose to walk-in any time during regular business hours. You must create an account online before you come in. If you scheduled an appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with a QR code that you will show when you come in and a list of documents you will need to bring to your appointment in order to complete your application.

    • What if I choose to not participate in identity proofing, or fail to prove my identity when I first apply?

      If you choose not to participate in the identity verification process, or you fail the verification process, you can still submit a paper application.

  • What qualifies as my "principal residence"?

    Your principal residence is the home where you live most of the time and where you are registered for voting or receive mail. For homeowners, it is the property listed on your deed or tax records. For renters, it is the address on your lease or rental agreement.

  • Can I apply for a vacation home I own in New Jersey?

    No. Benefits are only available for your principal residence. Vacation homes, rental properties, or second homes do not qualify.

  • Can I update my mailing address?

    You can update your mailing address by visiting our Address Change page.

  • I have property in New Jersey, but I am not a New Jersey resident. How do I tell my home state that I will not be receiving benefits from New Jersey’s property tax relief programs?

    Visit Request for a Letter of Property Tax Relief Ineligibility for a form that you will complete and mail to us. Once we process your request, we will send you a letter of proof to provide to your home state.

  • When will Property Tax Relief payments begin?

    • Senior Freeze payments are issued on a payment schedule depending on when you apply. The earliest payment will be issued July 15, 2025.

    • ANCHOR payments will start September 15 and continue on a rolling basis, with most applicants receiving payment within 90 days, unless additional information is required.

    • Stay NJ payments will be made quarterly beginning in 2026, with payments scheduled for February, May, August, and November. February and May payments are subject to the Fiscal Year 2026 State Budget, and August and November payments are subject to the Fiscal Year 2027 State Budget.

  • How will Property Tax Relief payments be made?

    Applicants who file a paper PAS-1 application will receive all their benefits by paper check mailed to the address indicated on the application. However, applicants who file the online PAS-1 application will have the option to receive some of their payments by direct deposit.

  • Are there limits to how much I can receive?

    Yes. The total amount of property tax relief benefits cannot exceed the property taxes paid on your principal residence for the qualifying year. This includes:

    • Senior Freeze
    • ANCHOR
    • Stay NJ
    • Property Tax Deduction for senior citizens, disabled persons, or veterans

    We will send you a determination letter outlining the amounts you are eligible to receive for each program.

  • Do I need to report these benefits as income?

    No. Property tax relief payments are not considered taxable income for New Jersey state taxes.

  • What if I cannot download the application?

    We offer an online application as a fast and simple alternative to the paper application.

    If you must file a paper application and face issues downloading the PDF application:

    • Use the latest version of Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
    • Ensure you have updated Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.
    • Check your "Downloads" folder if the file does not open automatically.

    If you still cannot access the form, contact us to request a paper application.

  • Who can I contact for help?

  • Are there outreach events or webinars?

    Yes. We often hold informational events and webinars to guide residents through the application process. Visit the events page for more information.

Program Specific Questions

  • Will applicants need to provide proof of property taxes due and paid?

    No. Applicants do not need to provide proof of property taxes (PTR-1A, PTR-1A Co-op, PTR-1B, PTR-2A, PTR-2A Co-op, or PTR-2B) with their application. We will contact you at a later time if we require documentation.

  • What if my property taxes are reassessed?

    If your property taxes are reduced due to a reassessment or appeal, we may adjust your base year to the new assessed amount. Contact us for further guidance.

  • Am I eligible if my property is owned by a trust?

    Yes. If you are a beneficiary of the trust and meet all other program requirements. You must submit a copy of the trust agreement to verify your eligibility.

  • What if my spouse dies during the year?

    If your spouse died and you meet all of the qualifications, file the application as the "surviving spouse" and include a copy of the death certificate. See, Deceased Applicants in the instructions for more information.

  • How do I calculate my income?

    See the application instructions for specific calculations.

  • I rent a room in someone's home. Can I apply for ANCHOR?

    You can apply if:

    • You have a written lease or rental agreement.
    • You have access to facilities like a kitchen and bathroom.
  • I am co-renting an apartment. How do we file?

    Each renter listed on the lease must file their own ANCHOR application. Include the names of all co-tenants and the total rent paid for the property.

  • Can I apply if I live in subsidized housing?

    Yes. Renters living in subsidized housing or properties with Payment in Lieu of Taxes (P.I.L.O.T.) agreements can qualify, as long as the unit is subject to local property taxes.

  • Am I eligible if I moved during the year?

    Yes. However the benefit applies only to the qualifying property you owned/rented and occupied on October 1.

  • What if I am divorced or separated?

    • Homeowners – Whoever owned and occupied the home on October 1 may apply.

      If you filed your 2024 New Jersey Resident Income Tax return as "married/CU partner, filing separate return," you must indicate whether on October 1, 2024, you and your spouse maintained the same or separate residences.

    • Separate Residences. If you each maintained a separate residence, you should file separate applications.
    • Same Residence. If you both maintained the same residence, you must file one application. Indicate your filing status to be "married/cu partner, filing separate return: both maintain same residence."
    • Renters – Only the person listed on the lease is eligible to apply. If you are divorced, shared a lease, and both occupied the residence, both individuals must file separate applications and report their share of the income.
  • Who qualifies for Stay NJ?

    NJ homeowners, 65 and over in 2024, that owned and lived in their home for the entire year. Their 2024 income must be below $500,000.

  • How is the Stay NJ benefit calculated?

    The Stay NJ benefit is calculated after ANCHOR and Senior Freeze benefits are determined.

    The Stay benefit will be 50% of the property taxes (up to $13,000), minus any payments received through ANCHOR and Senior Freeze. The 2024 benefit cap is $6,500.

  • Do mobile homeowners qualify for Stay NJ?


  • I am under 65, but I do receive Social Security Disability payments. Do I qualify for Stay NJ?

    No. If you and or your spouse, if applicable, were not 65 or over in 2024, you do not qualify.

Last Updated: Wednesday, 02/12/25