Create an Online Account

To apply online for Unemployment Insurance benefits, you'll need to create an account in our online system. The steps below explain the process.
You can also watch a video of these instructions.
Go to the Create an Account page of our online system and enter your email address. Your email address must not contain more than 35 characters. Make sure you use an email address that you check regularly. We'll use it to send you important information about your claim.
After you hit "SEND," we'll send you a link to verify your email address. This link is only active for 60 minutes. The email will be sent from ui‐ You may want to add that email address to your "safe senders" list to make sure it doesn't get flagged as junk email.
Click the link in the email we send to complete the initial registration process. Remember, the link will expire after 60 minutes. If you do not complete the registration process within 60 minutes, you will need to re‐enter your email address and have a new link sent.
After you click the link, you'll be taken to a page where you'll have to enter your personal information.
You may encounter page errors if you let your browser autofill the text fields. Please enter all the information manually.
- first and last name
- date of birth (formatted as MM/DD/YYYY, e.g. 04/07/1978)
- Social Security number (without dashes)
- phone number (numerals only)
- email address (the same one you used to register)
You'll also need to create a password. Be sure to remember it and do not share it with anyone. Your password must contain at least the following:
- eight characters
- one number
- one uppercase letter
- one lowercase letter
- one of these special characters: ! @ # $ % &
After you complete your registration, you can file a new claim.
All claims have a start date of the Sunday of the week in which the worker files the unemployment application. As long as you file by Saturday at midnight, you will receive credit back to the previous Sunday. If your last day of work is a Friday or Saturday, and you worked the full week, please wait to file until after Sunday. Otherwise, you may inadvertently file for a week when you actually worked.