Division records are confidential and protected by state statute, N.J.S.A. 9:6-8.10a. Therefore, generally they are not accessible, except in very limited situations and for limited purposes as specifically allowed by that statute. Requests for records can be made to: Dcfask.Records@dcf.nj.gov. In your request you should explain why you need the records so that the agency can consider your request, as well as provide your phone number so that the Records Inquiry Program (RIP) can reach out to you with any questions.
Examples of situations where RIP may be able to provide responsive records:
- Records that relate to your financial eligibility for or receipt of benefits, assistance, or services
- Records needed for applications for higher education
- To request vital records, to the extent DCF has such records
- For certain immigration applications
- Adult adoptee record information (such requests will be referred to the Adoption Registry, which can also be reached at: 609-888-7474 or dcfadoptionregistry@dcf.state.nj.us )
Please understand that, even with a good reason, the request may be denied if it does not fit an exception to the Department’s confidentiality statute. Additionally, even if an exception fits, DCF must limit the information released to only what is needed for the purpose you provide in your request.
If you would like to request your medical records from a time that you were involved with the Department of Children and Families, the DCF Privacy Officer can assist.
- If you are requesting your own medical records and you are under the age of 18, the request generally must come from a parent or guardian. Please have your parent or guardian send their request along with copies of the front and back of their state or federally issued government ID, such as a driver’s license, to the DCF Privacy Officer at DCF.PrivacyOfficer@dcf.nj.gov. If you have any questions or concerns with this process, please email the DCF Privacy Officer to discuss your situation.
- If you are requesting your own records and you are over the age of 18, please email your request and copies of the front and back of a state or federally issued government ID, such as a driver’s license, to the DCF Privacy Officer at DCF.PrivacyOfficer@dcf.nj.gov.
- If you are working with an authorized representative such as an attorney, a Probation Officer, or the Department of Labor’s Division of Disability Services, they may request your medical records on your behalf, with your permission, by submitting a HIPAA compliant authorization to the DCF Privacy Officer at DCF.PrivacyOfficer@dcf.nj.gov.
- If you have an active CP&P case, please contact your assigned caseworker to obtain your medical records.
When you receive your medical records, you may notice that there are portions that are redacted, or blacked-out. Because the law only permits the Department to release records related to child abuse and/or neglect in certain situations, we are required to review your medical records and black-out all references to investigations conducted by the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCP&P) before we send them to you. Only your medical records will be provided through this process.
It is important to remember to safeguard your medical records once you receive them. Please note that due to the volume of records maintained by the Department and the review process described above, your request may take several months to fulfill. Please contact the DCF Privacy Officer with any questions.