Healthy New Jersey

New Jersey Youth Resource Spot


College Success

Extra Help

Utilize the tutoring center and your professors’ office hours if you need extra help. If you have concerns that you might need some extra assistance, email or talk to your professor after class.


When you first arrive on campus take time to learn how many credits you will need to graduate. It is important to balance the number of classes that you take with the amount of time you have to complete all of the course work. You may choose to take fewer courses (credits) so that you have academic success. For assistance in determining how many classes you should take talk with your academic advisor.

Local Community College

You can take winter and summer classes at your local community college to lessen your semester load or possibly graduate early.  It’s also a great way to save money, as credits at a local community college might cost less than credits at a four-year school.

NJ Transfer

Discuss this option with your advisor and look at what classes transfer to your home institution at NJ Transfer

The Right Track

Meet with your advisor at least once a semester to make sure that you are on the right track and completing all of the requirements for your major. 


Utilize the resources available to you like the career center, academic advising, counseling, etc. -- You already pay for them with your student fees!


The costs of textbooks and supplies are expensive. 

  • Email your professors about necessary materials and ask if you can use an older edition of the book if possible. 
  • Rent your textbooks when you can to save money or use an ebook version. 
  • College bookstores typically upcharge so look at the prices directly from the textbook company and other sellers.
  • Look to purchase used books whenever possible, and look to sell your books back at the end of the semester if you aren’t going to need them moving forward.


Try to keep your GPA above a 3.0 during your college career. The higher the better.  Future employers look at GPA if you have no prior work experience in the field. 


College is a great place to network and find opportunities. Use resources at your school like career fairs, symposiums, office of career advancement, etc. to your advantage. 


Internships are great both for the experience and standing out on applications when you apply to jobs in your prospective field. 

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